a green and white frog with hearts on it
a group of soldiers and a frog with a nazi flag

Be me Glorious Kekistani Living in the Republic of Kekistan, land of the dankest memes Founded by the ancient prophet Pepe Worship Kek, the almighty deity of chaos and laughter National anthem is "Shadilay" by P.E.P.E. Every day is a battle against the normies and SJWs tfw no normies allowed Flag is green with the ancient Kekistani symbol Life is good, frogs everywhere mfw normies try to invade with their cringe Not today, heretics

a cartoon soldier holding a nazi flag
a green pill on a black background
an eagle logo on a black background

Rules are simple Normies get the rope Cringe gets the banhammer Keep it dank, keep it fresh Share the lulz, spread the chaos mfw you make your first dank meme